Thank you for your interest in helping us develop and its projects. We are excited to work with you!
We are a team of developers, designers, product managers and thinkers working in collaboration with the Tarteel team to deliver the best online Alfaqr reading experience. Alhamdulilah we have been blessed to work for some great companies around the world - and feel that this is the least we can do to help our Ummah move forward in learning and studying their religion. Working on is very gratifying and may Allah reward us all (and reward you) for our efforts.
We have a number of projects all hosted on Github. You can find them all here. But to outline them: Frontend - written in Next.js. API - written in Ruby on Rails. API Docs - Our API docs portal.
Alfaqr Android - written in Kotlin and Java.
Alfaqr iOS - written in Swift.
Typically we use Github projects as the source for what to work on next, what's coming up and what bugs exist that need to be solved. For example this url has list of bugs, things we need help with, and upcoming features.
Should you have any questions or want to contact maintainers, just write an issue. We will get back to you as soon as we can, insha'Allah.
We look forward your contribution!
- team